Yamato DaiwaE(CMA)S(cript) extensions


Overload No. 1
If the number of elements that satisfy the predicate is 0 or more than 1, null will be returned
):ArrayElement | null
Overload No. 2
If the number of elements that satisfy the predicate is 0 or more than 1, an error will be thrown

Returns the element of an array that satisfies the specified predicate (the function returns a Boolean value) if and only if there is only one occurrence of the element. If the element does exist or if there is more than one occurrence of the element:

  • An error will be thrown if { mustThrowErrorIfElementNotFoundOrMoreThan1: true } has been specified as the 3rd parameter. In this case, TypeScript will believe that if the function has been executed successfully, the returned value has a non-null type specified (in this case, usually implicitly) via a generic parameter.
  • If the 3rd parameter has not been specified, null will be returned. To use the returned value as the value of the type specified via a generic parameter, a non-null check will be required first.


Comparison with native methods

The following native methods are neither better nor worse than the function getArrayElementSatisfiesThePredicateIfSuchElementIsExactlyOne. The one you will use depends on the required behavior when:

  • There is no array element that satisfies the predicate
  • There are 2 or more array elements that satisfy the predicate.


  • The common part of this native method and getArrayElementSatisfiesThePredicateIfSuchElementIsExactlyOne is that both find the first match with the predicate.
  • If there are no elements that satisfy the predicate, Array.prototype.find returns undefined while getArrayElementSatisfiesThePredicateIfSuchElementIsExactlyOne either returns null or throws an error depending on presence or absence of the 3rd parameter. If you have selected error throwing, TypeScript will not require a non-null check. Namely this feature could encourage programmers to use the getArrayElementSatisfiesThePredicateIfSuchElementIsExactlyOne function, because Array.prototype.find requires non-undefined check.
  • If there are 2 or more elements that satisfy the predicate, Array.prototype.find returns the first one and ignores the remaining ones. In contrast, once getArrayElementSatisfiesThePredicateIfSuchElementIsExactlyOne  finds an element that satisfies the predicate, it will also check if there are more elements that satisfy the same predicate. If this is the case, none of the elements will be returned. This feature could be useful when you need to retrieve the array element and make sure that the element is different than other ones. (For example, to guarantee that this element has a unique identifier.)


This method has been designed for retrieving a subarray, not for retrieving a specific element. Thus, this array method also returns an array of the elements that satisfy the predicate, not the specific element.

If there are no elements that satisfy the predicate, an empty array will be returned. If you try to access any element of this array (including the first one at index 0), undefined will be returned and you  not be warned by TypeScript (or by many other programming languages with static typing). For example, Array<string> and string[] actually refer to an "array of an infinite number of string elements" while, in reality, any array is finite and sometimes empty.

Quick input in IntelliJ IDEA family of IDEs

Quick input in IntelliJ IDEA family of IDEs using the "Live templates" functionality.

Using the functionality of Live templates in the IntelliJ IDEA family if IDEs allows you to quickly input code such as a function invocation expression. To get the Live templates of the YDEE library, you need to install the official plugin of this library.

Steps for using the Live templates

If you have not used Live templates before, do not worry if the instructions below are too complicated. Once you have developed the habit of using Live templates (similar to the habit of using keyboard shortcuts), the following operations will take a matter of seconds.

  1. Copy the variable name containing the array or array expression itself to the clipboard. To make it possible for the IDE to fill in the correct value at the position of the 1st parameter, please develop the habit of copying each time before inputting the Live template of the getArrayElementSatisfiesThePredicateIfSuchElementIsExactlyOne function.
  2. Begin to input the function name (getArrayElementSatisfiesThePredicateIfSuchElementIsExactlyOne). There will be 2 autocompletes:
    1. Circled icon with the letter: This is the autocompletion of the function name, which is the standard functionality of the IDE. If you press the Enter key, the full function name will be inputted and the function import declaration will be inserted if required. Not bad, but better automation is possible.
    2. The icon with the cliche: This is the template we need. Press Enter again. The code template will be inserted with the value of the 1st parameter filled in with the clipboard content, and then it will be selected by the cursor. If you follow this manual, you will not need to edit the inserted value, so exit the targetArray property editing mode by pressing Enter again.
  3. Input the name of the parameter of the predicate that is the arrow function. This parameter is the element of the target array. However it is recommended that you use a more exact name than "element". Once you are finished inputting, press Tab. You will not  need autocomplete this time, but it will interfere, press Esc first.
  4. Input the type of the parameter of the predicate, then press Enter.
  5. Delete the unnecessary code

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